UN Youth’s Evatt Competition: Day 1
Around Town UN Youth SA Around Town UN Youth SA

UN Youth’s Evatt Competition: Day 1

The first South Australian round of UN Youth Australia's 2023 Evatt Competition just took place at Flinders University on May 29th. As Australia’s premier diplomacy competition, Evatt engages students in Years 9-12 in important issues of contemporary global politics, and helps them develop skills in negotiation, teamwork, and public speaking.

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Youth Programs in SA
Around Town Tabitha Stephenson-Jones Around Town Tabitha Stephenson-Jones

Youth Programs in SA

Do you want to meet like-minded young people? Do you have a passion for politics but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you’re super interested in International Relations (who isn’t, right??)! Well then you’re in luck, there are so many youth opportunities and programs to get involved in within SA - here are just a few of them.

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Youth Opportunities with Councils
Around Town Tabitha Stephenson-Jones Around Town Tabitha Stephenson-Jones

Youth Opportunities with Councils

Do you want to make a change in your community? Would you like to be involved in your Local Council and what programs they run/how young people’s views are represented? Well, then you’re in luck! Many Councils within SA have their own versions of a ‘Youth Advisory Committee’ (or YAC) that you can get involved with.

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