Youth Programs in SA

Hi everyone and welcome to Youth Week 2023! We hope you’re having a wonderful week, and continuing to get involved in your communities - whether that’s school, work or other extracurriculars! 

Do you want to meet like-minded young people? Do you have a passion for politics but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you’re super interested in International Relations (who isn’t, right??)! Well then you’re in luck, there are so many youth opportunities and programs to get involved in within SA - here are just a few of them. 

*Disclaimer* Many of these programs are “closed programs” meaning they have application deadlines and you, unfortunately, cannot join outside of these windows. (But don’t worry - we’ll let you know the deadlines!)

The South Australian Youth Forum *Closed program for 2023

The SA Youth Forum provides a platform created by young people for young people, between 15-18 to engage, discuss, and debate issues of relevance that directly impact them. All of the data from the meetings and surveys (+ extras) are collated in the SA Youth Forum Annual Report, which is presented to various stakeholders and agencies at the end of the year.

South Australian Student Representative Council *Closed program for 2023

The SA SRC is a group of around 150 young people from across South Australia in Years 10, 11, and 12 of high school. In this group, they work together to create genuine, student-led change within their own communities. 

YMCA Youth Parliament South Australia *Closed program for 2023

The YMCA SA Youth Parliament is a non-partisan program that provides a platform for young people aged 15-25 to have their say on important issues, and build skills and parliamentary understanding. 

YMCA Junior Parliament South Australia *Applications open in late 2023

The YMCA SA Junior Parliament is a non-partisan program that gives young people aged 12-15 an opportunity to learn about democracy, parliament, team building, public speaking and leadership in a fun and supportive environment. 

UN Youth *Ongoing events throughout 2023

UN Youth runs various programs throughout the year - SA Conference, the Evatt (debating) Competition, Crisis Points and many other Summits and events throughout the year.


An Interview with Callum Barrott-Walsh, Advocate and Political Staffer


Youth Opportunities with Councils