UN Youth’s Evatt Competition: Day 1

The first South Australian round of UN Youth Australia's 2023 Evatt Competition just took place at Flinders University on May 29th. As Australia’s premier diplomacy competition, Evatt engages students in Years 9-12 in important issues of contemporary global politics, and helps them develop skills in negotiation, teamwork, and public speaking.

The competition takes the form of a mock session of the UN Security Council. Teams of two students debate, amend, and vote on resolutions from the perspective of a country on the Security Council. In the course of the debate, students deliver speeches to the Council to persuade other teams of their country’s point of view, amend resolutions to suit their country’s agenda, and much more.

Evatt engages students with varying interests, experiences, and knowledge of international affairs. An interactive workshop is run before all Preliminary rounds to give students an introduction to Model UN, and to run them through the rules of the competition.

Registrations are still open for the next preliminary rounds, which will take place on June 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th in Flinders University campuses across Adelaide. Feel free to visit UN Youth’s website for more information!


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